• Overview
Files can be related in Worldox simply by virtue of sharing profile identifiers.
Example: All 134 files in one Client/Matter folder are inherently related through profiling. Each file has the same Client and Matter codes.
There are other approaches to relating files n Worldox - techniques for associating documents and groups of documents apart from profile or location:
• File relations
These are simple links between documents. You can relate one or more files together for any reason. This type of relationship is hierarchical - parent files related to child files. The relationship itself is not a separate object (meaning it's not named, not available for selection and review.) However, the Relations document tab makes it easy not only to relate files, but also to manage those relationships.
• Projects
Projects are more than simple document links. Projects are "virtual containers" you can use to collect and distribute diverse sets of files. A project is a profiled object itself, just as are each of the files a project can contain. That means you can search for projects, email them and act on them as you would with any other Wordox-managed file. Projects list automatically for subscribed folders and users in My Workspaces. Projects can be very easily created and managed using the Projects tab and/or My Workspaces.
• Categories
Categories are a recent evolution in GX3 of Libraries - the original, earliest document relation feature in Worldox. Any libraries already in use are still available in the enhanced categories feature, which now includes icons for quick recognition, and a new Categories column on worklists to assist in quickly locating categorized files by sorting (or by filtering via the Tags document tab).
Categories promise to be far more useful than the old Libraries feature it replaces. Categories may or may not be your first choice for relating files; it completely depends on what your are trying to achieve, and on your work process:
• Relating files is a simple process; relationships set up this way are easily viewed and managed via the Relations document tab. This type of relationship is heirarchical (one document being the higher-level parent to the related, child files), so it can become a bit confusing when you try to relate many documents this way.
• Categories are better way to group larger sets of documents, and are probably the best choice when you need to quickly move multiple files in and out of categories. The big advantage here is how easy it is to find documents by category on file lists, either by sorting on the new Categories column or by filtering via the Tags document tab.
• Creating projects is the way to go if you intend to share files, as projects can appear automatically in My Workspaces listings, and can also be distributed via email.
Projects have other advantages too. They are searchable (while simple file relations and categories are not), and can be easily managed and changed via the Project document tab.