Relating files is one way to link them in Worldox. (Creating projects is another, and the enhanced categories feature is yet another.) Here's a comparison of file relation tools in Worldox.
For instructions, use the links below.
• Overview
• Relating files via pull-down menu
• Drag and drop relations on worklists
• Relate files via the Relations tab
• Relate files while saving, profiling
Relating files in Worldox is a simple process. Using pull-down menus, the Relations document tab or drag-and-drop actions on worklists, you manually link documents together.
The resulting relationship is hierarchical, parent to chlid. The Parent is the target document to which others - child files - relate.
Note: The parent/child hierarchy affects when you see when viewing file relationships.
Using this simple method of linking files, the file relationships themselves are not named or stored. The link is only obvious when you select a file on a worklist, and view any connections on the Relations document tab.
Note: In projects and categories, relationships are named entities, apart from the files they connect. Projects are themselves profiled, and searchable.
As noted above, you have three different options for creating simple file links. The end result is the same in all cases, but you may find using the Relations document tab the easiest and most flexible approach.
If you delete a document that is related (as parent) to another, the child file is no longer related to the parent, but is not itself deleted. It works the same way with deleting child-related files. Deleting a file never deletes any files which may be related to it.
Note: This method of relating files is intended for relating files on different worklists. If you are relating files which appear on one worklist, use the drag-and-drop method. or the Relations tab method instead.
When would you use this method? Anytime files to be related are in different Worldox folders, or on different Worldox worklists.
Example: You have three reports in a client/matter profile group folder, and want to link these reports to a Project Summary file in the Admin profile group. Chances are you'll have to open two worklists to find these files. In this multi-list scenario, the pull-down menu option works well.
To relate files via pull-down menu:
Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist you need. You're looking for the most important file - the parent - the one to which you will be relating other, child files.
Highlight (select) that parent file in the Worldox worklist.
Now open any other worklist tab to select the files to relate to this parent file. If other worklists are not yet open:
On that next (or other, already-open) worklist, highlight (select) one or more files to relate to the parent file, selected in Step 2, then select Relate To from the File pull-down menu. You should see a cascading menu with files selected on other tabs. The parent file selected in Step 2 should be on the list. Select it.
Note: You can relate multiple files at once. If you select more than one, Worldox asks you to confirm your selection, in the Clarify Selection dialog. If you see this dialog, choose the appropriate option and click Continue.
Worldox then opens the Relate File dialog, to confirm this new relationship between files.
In that second Relate File dialog, click Yes if you want to see all related files on a separate worklist.
Note: This method of relating files is intended for relating files within one worklist. You can also use the Relations tab for this purpose.
Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist containing files you want to relate.
Select one or more files on the list. These selections will be the child files, to be related in the next step to the parent file.
Now highlight the parent file - the one to which others will relate. Click and drag that file to any of the files selected earlier. The mouse cursor changes as your file approaches the target. In this example, three field report files were selected in Step 2. The parent file is now being dragged to the report files:
As you release the mouse button, Worldox opens the Relate File dialog, to confirm this new relationship between files.
Tip: In the Relate File dialog, be sure to check the Relate the above files as children of Doc ID and Description. Make sure you're dragging and dropping onto the right target file. |
In the Relate File dialog, click Yes to confirm this action. Worldox then relates the files, and opens a second Relate File dialog, asking if you want to see all files now related to the original (parent) file in a separate worklist.
In that second Relate File dialog, click Yes if you want to see all related files on a separate worklist.
Of the three ways used to relate files, using the Relations document tab is probably the easiest, certainly the most flexible.
Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist you need. You're looking for the most important file - the parent - the one to which you will be relating other files.
Highlight (select) that parent file
in the Worldox worklist, then click the Relations
tab at the bottom right of the screen. That opens the Relations
document tab.
In the Relations document tab:
Note the Files directly related to line at the top of the tab. This is the file you selected.
Any files related to your selection - parents to that file or child of it - list below.
To make sure this file stays selected as the parent file, check the Make file the parent box at the far right of the tab.
On the worklist currently visible above the tab, highlight (select( any files you want to relate to the parent file selected in Step 2. Or, to relate files from another worklist:
• Open any other active worklist. Or,
• Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist you need.
• And select one or more files on that worklist.
Now drag selection(s) to the open Relation document tab (which still shows your Step 2 selection as the parent file.)
Note: You can relate multiple files at once. If you select more than one, Worldox asks you to confirm your selection, in the Clarify Selection dialog. If you see this dialog, choose the appropriate option and click Continue.
Worldox then opens the Relate File dialog, to confirm this new relationship between files.
In that second Relate File dialog, click Yes if you want to see all related files on a separate worklist.
Each time you click and drag to the Relations tab, Worldox confirms your action and asks if you want to see all related files in a separate worklist.
When you're done relating files, uncheck the Make file the parent checkbox in the Relations tab.
The Relations tab makes it easy to manage file relationships:
• Click Relations to open a separate worklist showing all files related to the selected file (named in the Files directly related to line at the top of the tab).
• Highlight (select) a file listed in this tab, then select Open to open that file, or select Views to view the file in the Worldox View window.
• Highlight (select) a file listed in this tab, then select Unrelate to unrelated if from the originally selected file (named in the Files directly related to line at the top of the tab).
You can relate files directly from the File Save and some other profile forms. A file related this way becomes a child to the file selected. For example, let us say your are saving a new document.
When the File Save profile form appears, note the three buttons at the top of the form.
Click Relations menu to see the menu:
Select Relate this file to … on the Relations menu. Worldox then hides the profile form, so you can see the main screen.
Locate the file to which you want to relate this file being saved. Double click the file you want in the worklist. That returns you to the File Save profile form, where the relationship is noted at the bottom left of the form.
Finish filling out the form, then click OK. That relationship is now saved in Worldox along with the file.
The process is the same on other profile forms (Workzone Save As, Save Attachment). Wherever that Relations menu button appears, you can related files this way as they are being profiled.