Relating files links them in Worldox. Here are ways to view and manage those relationships.
• Open a list of related files
To view file relationships:
Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist you need.
Highlight (select) the file for
which you want to view relationships in the Worldox worklist,
then click Relations or
at the bottom right of the screen. That opens the Relations document tob.
The Relations tab lists:
• Any file which is child to the selected file.
• Also, any file which is parent to the selected file.
In this example, the Field Report MASTER LIST document is highlighted in the worklist. With the Relations tab open below, 6 file listings appear for that document. The R? column shows how listed files relate to the selected file. (You may want to resize this column if it's too narrow.)
• The "C" in the first 5 shows that these are child files, to which the selected file is parent.
• The "P" in the last shows that this is a parent file, to which the selected file is child.
• The number next to each "C" and 'P" indicates the number of files to which that listed file is related, in that way.
Example: P2 means parent to two child files. Here's a visual way to think of that relationship.
There are two ways to open a list of related files. The simplest way is to use the Worldox toolbar or pull-down menus:
Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist you need.
Highlight (select) the file you
want, then click Relations
the Worldox toolbar. Or, select Relations
from the List pull-down menu.
Either action opens the List > Relations dialog,
asking if you want to open a new list to show related files.
Click Yes to open that list.
The selected file always appears on such a list. Any files related to it also display here. If no files are related, only the selected file itself appears on the list.
As an alternative, you can view related files on the Relations document tab, then click Relations to create a new worklist showing those files.
Use the left-side navigation panel, search or other tools to find the worklist you need.
Highlight (select) the file you
wish to unrelate, then click Relations
at the bottom right of the screen. That opens the Relations document tob,
which lists all files related to the selected one.
On the Relations tab, highlight (select) the file from which you wish to unrelate the file selected in Step 2, then click Unrelate. Worldox opens the Unrelate File dialog, confirming this action.
In the Unrelate File dialog, click Yes to unrelate these files.