The File > Copy dialog presents a series of fields and choices used to re-profile copied files.
Tip: Here is a guided tour of a similar profile form (the File Save dialog), detailing fields, information and options presented. |
What appears on the form reflects both your specific user rights and any profiling choices made so far.
Note: Most fields here will be pre-filled as the dialog opens, based on the existing document profile.
To fill out the File > Copy form:
The large list field on the right side of
the form shows quick profiles available for saving files.
Tabs organize these choices into Public
and My Profiles. To load a quick
profile, highlight one and click Load Quick Profile Template . Left-side buttons and fields then change
to reflect the unique combination of settings saved for that quick profile.
Note: You
can add or change quick profiles
- saving completed profiles as new quick profiles and managing existing
quick profile choices - via the button
at the top of the form.
The other helpful shortcut is to copy
profile information from an existing document. Click Same
Profile as |
Add a document description (or change it) in the Description field.
Note: If you are profiling more than one document, the Description field does not appear. In that case, Worldox assigns descriptions based on existing file names.
Change profile group (optional).
Assuming you have access to multiple profile groups, you can select another group by clicking Profile Group. That opens the Select Profile Group dialog, where you can choose another. If you do change the profile group, the File > Copy dialog reloads to display profile fields associated with the selected group.
Fill out profile fields.
To: |
Do this: |
Enter a code or value. |
Type the code in the open profile field. |
Select a code you have used previously. |
Select from the list of all valid entries for the field. |
Click the named profile field button; that opens the field table dialog, where you can double-click an item to select it. |
See Working with field tables for details on selecting and searching within field table dialogs.
Colored prompts appear to the right of profile fields. Worldox points out required fields, and checks each entry. Valid choices appear in another color, and invalid or unknown entries are flagged. Here valid choices display in green, while unknown entries and prompts display in red. (You could also see information prompts in a third color, not shown here.)
Tip: Field prompt colors, as with so many other display options in Worldox, can be customized to your taste. |
Add or change comments (optional).
Enter or change comments in the Add'l Comments field. As soon as you start typing in the Comments field, it expands:
Add Below is pre-selected, meaning Worldox will add any new comments below earlier ones (as seen here, on the Comments document tab and in worklists). Select Add Above to have Worldox add new comments above earlier ones, or Replace to always have the last comment added be the only comment saved.
Type in your comment, or click Insert Keyword to add a pre-defined keyword, in the Comment Keywords dialog.
Tip: To add a short, pre-defined comment, place your cursor in the Add'l Comments field, then press F2. That opens the Comment Keywords dialog. |
Click Apply Comments to apply this comment to the profile. Or, click Undo Changes to close this expanded field and leave the Add'l Comments field unchanged.
To spell-check
Description or Add'l
Comments field entries, click
. That opens the Check
Spelling dialog.
The Assign Autoname choice will most likely be pre-selected. If you leave this unchanged, Worldox automatically generates a unique Doc ID for the copied document. Select Keep Same as Source if you want the copied document to have the same Doc ID as the original.
Note: The presence or absence of Doc ID and other profile form options is determined by configuration settings at your site. If you do not see these options/fields on your File > Copy dialog, your site does not use them.
Check the Copy Versions checkbox to copy all versions of the original file. Leave this box unchecked if you want to copy only the current (latest) version. (See Versioning documents for details on versioning in Worldox.)
Next steps:
The Worldox Check Spelling dialog may appear at this point if Description or Add'l Comments field entries are incorrectly spelled or use words not in the current spelling dictionary.
Worldox then confirms the copy, showing you the File > Copy confirm dialog.
Here you have the option to review the completed copy. Just click the drop down arrow to the right of the Details field. Then click anywhere in the field to close it again.
If only one file was copied, Worldox asks if you want to open the copied file.
• Click Yes to open the document you just copied and close this dialog.
• Or, click No to close this confirm dialog.
Note: If you copied multiple files, there is no choice to open copied files. An OK button would appear here instead.
Finally, if you do not want to see such messages again after copying files, check the Don't show again box. before closing the dialog.
Once the File > Copy profile form is saved, your document has been successfully copied and re-profiled, while the original remains unchanged in its current location.