Experienced computer users routinely right mouse-click to access application tools. That is true in Worldox as well. What is different here is the depth of tools and features offered on Worldox right-click menus.
• On worklists
Right-clicking files on worklists is a navigation alternative - a way to choose toolbar or pull-down menu items without reaching up to the top of the screen. Here's an example, accessing the Copy choice via right-click.
You see only top-level choices on this menu; many more choices are available under that last, More choice. Worklist right-click menus are dynamic, meaning choices shift up from the More submenu to the top-level right-click menu once selected.
• On the toolbar
GX3 brings some very handy toolbar customization options, available strictly via right-click:
The toolbar right-click menu has slightly different choices when accessed by clicking in the gray area of the bar, apart from the buttons themselves.
• On list column headers
Here again, there is a hidden world of power in right-clicking. Most of these column layout shaping tools are only available via right-clicking on column headers:
This right-click menu has slightly different choices when you click in the gray area of the bar, apart from the column headers themselves.
• On worklist tabs
Try right-clicking on a worklist tab. As you can see, it's easy to close unwanted tabs:
• On the bookmark bar
Right-clicking here offers shortcuts to key bookmark features found on the Bookmarks pull-down menu.
• On the pull-down menu bar
The pull-down menu bar itself offers an interesting customization option. Select Edit Menu to add or change text hints for selectable items. This is one way to name choices you intend to add as buttons to the toolbar.
• In My Workspaces
Right-click on the My Workspaces listing in Workspaces to select the content (bookmarks, User Files or other profile group folders) to which you want to subscribe. Here is a typical right-click menu.
Note: The “Subscribe to … “ options that display when you right-click My Workspaces will vary based upon the bookmarks or project-folder enabled profile groups available in your Worldox environment. So your right-click menu will no doubt look different. If you have any questions, please contact your Worldox Administrator.
Tip: You can right-click on drop-down lists as well, to selectively remove items from drop-down lists. |