Tip: To show or hide the Location bar, select Show/Hide > Location Bar on the Display pull-down menu. |
The Location bar consists of these elements:
Button |
Description |
The left button re-opens the last worklist accessed. This button is greyed out and inactive if there are no recently-accessed worklists in the current session. |
The right button re-opens the next worklist accessed. This button is greyed out and inactive if there are no recently-accessed worklists in the current session, or if you have not yet gone back to worklists visited earlier. |
Location opens the drop-down list of recently-accessed worklists, just to the right of this button. You can also open this list by clicking to the right of the field. |
The Check Mark icon opens the location selected or specified in the field to the left of this button. |
The Styles Open icon opens the Display > Window Styles > Open dialog, where you can select and load saved styles for various Worldox display elements - or entire screens - to change the layout of the currently visible worklist. |
The Styles Save icon opens the Display > Window Styles > Save dialog, where you can save styles for various Worldox display elements - or the entire screen - as it is now arranged. |
The Close icon hides the Location bar. To show it again, select Location Bar > Show Hide from the Display pull-down menu. |
Clicking the icon in the Location bar displays a shortcut menu of recently-viewed worklists. This list can include favorites, search results, folders, related document lists, version lists and specific documents (by number).Clicking a listed item there displays it in the active worklist tab.
Tip: This history list can get rather long; now GX3 gives you a way to selectively delete drop-down listings to shorten lists and make them more useable. |
Note: If the Location bar is hidden, pressing ALT + F2 makes it reappear.
Press F2 to place the cursor in the Location field, or mouse-click within that field. Then enter a complete Doc ID number, full or partial document name (Description), and press Enter or click to the right of the field to find file(s) matching what you typed.
Tip: You need the supply a full Doc ID to search by number in the Location field. Searching by partial Doc ID or using wildcards WILL NOT work here. A partial name (Description) entry WILL work. |
That type of document search is only one way the field is helpful. In fact, you don't have to enter anything here to gain benefit. As you work in Worldox, text and codes appear in this field automatically. Values shown in the Location field change as the content of the worklist changes. This is one more way Worldox reinforces context, so you always know exactly where you are.
Here for example, the field value indicates that the visible worklist consists of all files relating to one matter (0040) for one client (00011) in the Firm Client Files profile group: