Supported Microsoft Word 2013 Features

Related Topics

The following features are supported by Worldox in Microsoft Office Word 2013.

       File > Open

       File > Save

       File > Save As

Save As options are Replace, Save as Version, Save as New and Edit Profile.

       File > Close

       File > Exit

       Save and Share a document as an email attachment

       Compatibility mode (Click the Worldox menu and select Document Compatibility to view the version of Microsoft Office for the current document.)


Quick Access Toolbar in Word

Note: It is recommended that you use the Quick Access Toolbar options in the top left corner of the Word screen. You can simply click an icon to perform an action instead of having to click a menu and then an additional option:



       Save As (Replace, Save as Version, Save as New, Edit Profile)




       Save: Ctrl + S shortcut

       Open: Ctrl + O

Formats Available in Word 2013

You can save Word 2013 documents in the following formats: .docx, .docm, .doc, .dotm, .dot, .pdf, .xps, .mht, .mhtml, .htm, .html, .rtf, .txt, .xml, .odt, .wps

Important Note Regarding the Shortcut for Microsoft Word while using Microsoft Office 2013

In order for Worldox to launch properly when you use Microsoft Word in Microsoft Office 2013, you must create the following shortcut with a switch (/m) on your desktop.

To create the correct MS Word 2013 shortcut, do one of the following:

1.      Right-click your desktop and select New > Shortcut.

2.      Browse to the location where Office 2013 is installed on your machine and add the switch with a space as /m.

For example,

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\WINWORD.EXE /m

Note: There is a space between WINWORD.EXE and /m.

By creating the shortcut with the /m switch, Worldox and Microsoft Word will perform as expected for all files and operations available in the Worldox document management system.

Note: If you create a shortcut without the /m switch, you will see the following screen each time you use Word with Worldox and you will have to select a template.

It is recommended that you use the /m switch to avoid the extra template selection step.