Worldox provides powerful search capabilities, so you can find files and email messages quickly. For instructions, use the links below.
• Overview
• Search for documents or files
• Text searching in viewed, previewed documents
• Search again, through search results just obtained
TIP: If you're having trouble finding files, troubleshooting searches can help. |
Worldox searches start with forms - Find Files dialogs (also referred to as templates).
• There are no pre-configured search forms in Worldox. Search choices on forms reflect the unique profile group/field structure designed for a given site. Most search forms you use will therefore be unique to your firm. Here's a quick visual tour of a search form.
• At most Worldox sites, Administrators create and distribute a set of public search forms - customized to fit the information needs at your firm. You may also have the rights to create or modify search forms.
• Any one search form can be used for several different types of searching. See Sample searches for instructions on doing common types of searches in Worldox.
The process of searching in Worldox is simple:
First, find a search form. Search forms and views are:
• Listed on the Search pull-down menu.
• Listed in the Search Templates dialog, accessed by clicking the Find icon in the toolbar.
• Certain views may be visible in the My Workspaces path-tree zone, for subscribed profile group locations.
Selecting the form opens it for customizing your search request. (If the search selected is set to run immediately upon selection, Worldox immediately starts the search; the form itself never appears in this case.)
Identify one or more search elements, then start the search.
Tip: You have great flexibility in searching in worldox. Search for documents or files on this page covers most of these options. See Basic search sechniques for quick step-by-step instruction on typical search actions. |
However activated - via search forms or views - searching brings you to worklists of found items. If nothing is found, Worldox informs you of that fact and gives you choices for follow-up action.
Tip: Before you start searching ... perhaps the file you want is on an active worklist, but you don't know it yet. Try refreshing (synchronizing) the visible worklist. Any recent additions, deletions or changes made will then be reflected in the list. |
Note: If you are searching for documents or files, make sure the Email worklist tab (if there is one on your Worldox desktop) is not open. With the Email tab open, toolbar and Search pull-down menu choices relate only to email.
Find and select a search form or view. Search forms and views are:
• Listed on the Search pull-down menu.
• Listed in the Search Templates dialog, accessed by clicking in the toolbar.
• Certain views may be visible in the My Workspaces path-tree zone, for subscribed profile groups.
If the search selected is set to run immediately upon selection, Worldox starts the search immediately. Search results then display in the left-side pane or window. If no results are found, you see the Search message instead.
Otherwise, the form opens. All search form names start with Find Files; here is an example.
In the Find Files dialog:
The fields and pre-selected codes/field values on the form can vary, depending on how the search form was originally set-up. At least some of these fields - the numbered fields - relate to the profile group selection.
Assuming you have access to multiple profile groups, you can select another group (or multiple groups) by clicking . That opens the Select Profile Group dialog, where you can choose another. If you do change the profile group, the Find File dialog reloads to display profile fields associated with the chosen group.
Note: With multiple profile groups selected, only shared profile fields appear on the Find Files form. If you want to search for profile field values unique to one profile group, make sure that profile group - and only that one - is selected.
Identify values and/or text for searching.
Customize the search as needed.
• See Basic search techniques for quick, step-by-step instructions on typical searches.
• See Fields on Search forms for details on how to fill out fields.
• Here are tips on how to search productively.
Note: You can select multiple field table values, even multiple profile groups for searching. If multiple values for any one field are selected, they combine on an OR basis. (Here's a quick primer on AND, OR and other search commands.)
As you add profile field-related items (numbered fields), Worldox combines those criteria on an AND basis. For example, here the user has identified three search items:
To widen that search, making it less restrictive, you could combine one or more elements on an OR basis. Just click the right-side AND button to change to OR.
Click Search What to open the Search What dialog, where you can determine the scope of the search within a selected profile group, or elect to search within the visible Worldox worklist or in the Worldox Salvage Bin.
Note: You may have access in this dialog to a new GX3 search enhancement - the ability to search for prior document versions.
Tip: The What: Profile Groups and include: Active settings are pre-selected in the Search What dialog. To search for archived files or stored records, change the Include setting (leaving What: Profile Groups selected). |
The Find Files template you started with will always be available the next time you search; in that sense, it is not necessary to save. However, if the field settings and other criteria just set here could be useful to you again, then consider saving the customized search.
Assuming you have the rights to create and edit searches, saving is an easy, fast process. If you want to save this search, go ahead and do so. When you're done, return here and continue on to Step 6 below.
When the search is set to your satisfaction, touch Search at the lower left of the dialog to start searching. Search results then display in the right-side, worklist pane. If no results are found, you see the Search message instead.
Tip: Once search results display, you can arrange list columns and sorts, then save settings as a column template for the search form used. |
TIP: If you are searching for email, make sure the Email worklist tab (if there is one on your Worldox desktop) is visible. With any other worklist tab open, toolbar and Search pull-down menu choices relate only to documents and files, not to email. |
With the Email worklist tab visible, clicking Find Message in the toolbar or select Find Message from the Search pull-down menu. That opens the Search > Find Message dialog.
In the Search > Find Message dialog:
As this dialog opens, the Subfolders checkbox is pre-selected. Uncheck it if you want to search only in the top level, inbox folder.
Identify message elements for searching.
Customize the search as needed. You can search by single items or combinations of address, subject, date and message (text) elements. Enter full identifiers or partial (whole words only please) as appropriate. You can also click the down arrow to the right of the field to choose a previously entered address or phrase.
As you add search items, Worldox combines them on an AND basis. (Here's a quick primer on AND, OR and other search commands.)
To find only messages with attachments (optional), click the Has attachment checkbox. Otherwise, leave it unselected.
Identify a date or date range in which to search (optional).
Click the down arrow to the right either or both Received fields to open a clickable calendars. Select one date or a range of dates.
When the search is set to your satisfaction, touch Search at the lower left of the dialog to start searching. Search results then display in the in the right-side, message pane.
Tip: Once search results display, you can arrange list columns and sorts, then save settings as a column template for the search form used.. |
Here you have already found the document, file or email message, and are looking for specific words or phrases in text.
Tip: Don't try searching for specific numbers in Excel files. Because of how Excel stores number field values, this type of text search will not work on spreadsheets. |
In the Viewer window:
In the Viewer window, click the spell check icon in the toolbar, or select Text on the Search pull-down menu. That opens the Search > Text dialog.
In the Search > Text dialog, enter a word, phrase or characters in the open field. Select the Match case checkbox if needed (to find only text capitalized the same way as your entry here), then click Search.
As the Search > Text dialog closes, you see the first (or only) found text element highlighted in the Viewer dialog. Click the binoculars icon in the toolbar to find the next matching text item.
On the Viewer tab:
On the Viewer tab, click the binoculars icon in the toolbar over the preview pane in which you want to search. That opens the Search > Text dialog.
In the Search > Text dialog, enter a word, phrase or characters in the open field. Select the Match case checkbox if needed (to find only text capitalized the same way as your entry here), then click Search.
TIP: Using quotation marks around a phrase tells Worldox to search for that exact phrase. |
As the Search > Text dialog closes, you see the first (or only) found text element highlighted in the Viewer dialog. If you are searching in the middle, largest pane, you can click the binoculars icon in the toolbar to find the next matching text item.
In a summary search, results are not listed as individual files, but rather as groups of files found by profile group and month - as shown in this example. Click any summary listing to see a worklist of found files in that profile group and time period.
To do a summary search:
Select a search form, and fill fields out however needed. Follow instructions outlined above for Searching for documents and files.
Specify what to search (optional).
Click Search What to open the Search What dialog.
In the Search What dialog, select options as needed for your search.
Check the Summary Report checkbox, then click OK.
When the search is set to your satisfaction, touch Search at the lower left of the dialog to start searching. Search results then display in the right-side, worklist pane. If no results are found, you see the Search message instead.
Worldox gives you a way to quickly refine your search further - in effect, searching within a search. This can be very helpful when a search returns a great many results.
With search results from your last search still displayed, click the Find icon in the toolbar, or select Find from the Search pull-down menu. Either action opens the Worldox - Search dialog.
In that search form, make and changes or additions needed to refine the search. Follow instructions outlined above for Searching for documents and files.
Specify what to search (optional).
Click Search What to open the Search What dialog.
In the Search What dialog, select Current List in the What section, then click OK.
When the search is set to your satisfaction, touch Search at the lower left of the dialog to start searching. The search will be conducted only on the files found in the most recent search.
Search results then display in the right-side, worklist pane. If no results are found, you see the Search message instead.
Tip: Once search results display, you can arrange list columns and sorts, then save settings as a column template for the search form used.. |