Favorite files explained

Worldox favorite files are a mixture of recently accessed documents - files that Worldox "remembers" as being associated with particular file operations (open, save, et al.) or with different applications.  Each favorite link opens a worklist.

Tip:  Here "Favorites" means recently-accessed files. There is a different type of favorite in Worldox. Favorite Matters are recently-visited folder locations. You can find these favorites in the left-side navigation panel.

The most important thing to remember about favorite files lists is that they are dynamic, not fixed. What you see on these lists - and the categories you see represented in the List > Selected Favorite Files dialog - depends strictly on your activity in Worldox.

Example:  There is an Excel category of favorites. If you never open Excel files in Worldox, and never save (profile) Excel fils into Worldox, there will be no Excel favorites to show. Under those conditions, that category does not appear in the List > Selected Favorite Files dialog.

In fact, new Worldox users have no favorites to start with. There is nothing to show on a favorites list until you start accessing worklists and files.

There are three types of favorite files categories:

       Action-related.  Examples include Copied and Moved. Any files copied or move list as favorites in those respective categories.

       Application-related.  The Word category is one example.  For application categories, any file of that application type (.doc or .docx for Word, for example) which has been opened in Worldox or saved (profiled) into Worldox is listed as a favorite there.

       Personal.  Where functional and application favorites are tracked automatically by Worldox, personal categories are completely up to you. You create and name personal categories; you decide which files should be added as favorites in those categories.