New in GX3: Enhanced speed, integration

Worldox GX3 is significantly faster than GX2 in certain common operations - the very actions that matter most to many users. Aside from speed, GX3 also comes with enhanced 3rd-party integration, connectors and system tools.

Integration potential is by now nothing new to Worldox customers. After all, GX2 integrates with literally hundreds of 3rd-party applications. That tradition continues in GX3, augmented by the many available connectors and systems tools (Airmail, Bulk Archive, Client/Matter connectors) facilitating shared action and information with outside programs.

There's more - structural and service changes fostering integration:

       Tighter MS Active Directory integration

       The ability to view Portfolio PDF's

       A new ISYS engine, for streamlined indexing, database management

       Better MS server integration, for easier maintenance and setup

So consider enhanced integration an ongoing constant in Worldox. The big surprise in GX3 is how much faster it is - faster in performing operations that really matter. These are not hollow marketing claims. The speed gains are very real, and could have a significant impact in how quickly you can accomplish document-related tasks.  

File list speed tests between GX2 and GX3

These tests were performed on a HP Pavilion Laptop running Windows 7 against the same network based data, by the same user, with the same configuration for each test.

       Most searching and large folder access operations in GX3 gained 30 percent in speed over the same tasks done in GX2, while favorite files access gained 50 percent.

       Performance of the three basic Worldox file list types (folder, favorite files and search results) has been improved. The most notable improvement comes in the favorites lists. Here, redesigns in the technology have improved list speeds by an average of 60% over older GX versions.

       Searching improved at about an average rate of 30%. Opening folder lists also improved about 25-30%; these improvements are less noticeable, as folder lists tend to be the quickest to display.

List used

GX2 time

GX3 time


Open favorites list of 300 files in various folders

6 seconds

2 seconds


Open folder list of 2,100 files - thru Direct Access

3 seconds

2 seconds


Search on a profile field - returns 888 hits

3 seconds

2 seconds


Text search - returns 1,771 hits

9 seconds

6 seconds


Worse-case text search - returns a 20,000 file hit list

35 seconds

25 seconds


Note:  Times may vary based on factors such as data, hardware and network access. The above tests reflect an average and can vary.