Email a bookmark

You can email personal bookmarks internally, assuming you are using Outlook:

  1. Make sure Outlook is open on your desktop.

  2. Find the Worldox bookmark you want to email.

       Visible bookmarks (pinned to the bookmark toolbar) are easy to find.  

       All bookmarks (pinned or not) are available in the Bookmarks > Manage dialog, which can be accessed by selecting Manage from the Bookmarks pull-down menu. .

Tip:  Bookmarks are also available in the Bookmarks category on the left-side navigation pane.

  1. Right-click on the pinned bookmark or bookmark listing you want to email, and select Email to another user from the right-click menu. That opens a new message in Outlook, with the bookmark link attached.

  2. Address and send the message.

Recipients open the email message and double-click the link. That opens the Import Comfirmation dialog, where the emailed item is listed next to a checkbox. Checking the checkbox and clicking Yes causes Worldox to add that bookmark to the recipient's list of bookmarks.

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