Month: January 2022

The latest on legal document management software

The pandemic helped drive law firms to expand the ability for attorneys and staff to work from anywhere. This shift to working from anywhere meant that law firms needed to focus on technology solutions and new ways to automate and maximize their processes to ensure their businesses run smoothly across a combination of remote and hybrid work environments. The ability of document management systems to streamline document management across a variety of work environments enhances their ability to organize, control, and access data. Here are some things to look for when considering document management systems. Document accessibility and increased document

Worldox Legal Technology Webinar Series: Conversation with Kip Boyle and Chris Brumfield about Cyber Insurance and Cyber Security

Conversation with Kip Boyle, founder and vCISO of Cyber Risk Opportunities and Chris Brumfield, CPCU, ARe, Professional Liability Advisor at Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. about Cyber Insurance and Cyber Security. Kip is a 20-year information security expert and founder and virtual Chief Information Security Officer of Cyber Risk Opportunities. He has served as the Chief Information Security Officer for both technology and financial services companies and was a cyber-security consultant at Stanford Research Institute. Often quoted in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Chief Executive, Kip has also taught information security to hundreds of students all over world, in addition to co-authoring Chapter

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